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2021-05-12| 发布者: 柳河新媒体| 查看: 144| 评论: 3|来源:互联网

摘要: 顺治重宝是满清入关后铸行的第一种钱币,从最初的仿明钱铸币到逐步完善为规范系统的满清币制,它的铸行过程是...


Shunzhi zhongbao is the first coin that was cast after the entry of the Qing Dynasty. Its casting process is a process of continuous exploration and summary of the currency system in the early Qing Dynasty. Since then, the coins of the Qing Dynasty have been minted according to the Shunzhi style.


[collection name]: Shunzhi zhongbaodangqian


Class: Coins

公元1644年,清军攻入关内,清 爱新觉罗·福临 至北京,即皇帝位,改元顺治,成为清世祖。在北京设铸钱局铸钱,于工部、户部开设 宝源局 、 宝泉局 ,后随着天下统一,在各地开钱局,并铸“顺冶重宝”。在清军刚入关时,允许明钱流通,但不久即严禁使用明钱及其它古钱,独行清钱。顺治年间对 制钱 成分有明确规定,即铜七成,白铅(锌)三成,为合金,称之为“黄铜”,一千铜钱称为一串,年铸一万二千串称为一卯即每开一期的额定数称为“正卯”,正卯以后凡有加铸数称为“加卯”。

顺治重宝为清朝钱币,铸于世祖顺治年间(1644年~1661年)。顺治重宝是清朝入关后正式铸行的第一种制钱,面文“顺治重宝”,钱文宋体、均为对读;多为黄铜质,有极少数为青铜;钱体趋于扁平,钱缘宽阔。顺治重宝主要为小平钱,少数折二、折十大钱,按背文变化和铸行阶段可分为五式。早期顺治钱保留了明朝制钱工艺,使其版式具有明显的明朝钱币特征,而后期彻底从明朝制钱体系中脱离出来,建立了独有的清代制钱风格。 “顺治五式”在明清钱币演化中起到了承前启后的作用。


In 1644 , the Qing army entered the customs , and the Qing Dynasty arrived in Beijing , the emperor , changed the Yuan Shunzhi and became the ancestor of the Qing Dynasty .In Beijing , a casting bureau was set up in Beijing to cast money , and Baoyuan Bureau and Baoquan Bureau were opened in the Ministry of Industry and Household . Later , with the unification of the world , money bureaus were opened in various places , and cast " Shun ye Heavy Bao " .When the Qing army first entered the customs customs , Ming money was allowed to circulate , but soon the use of Ming money and other ancient money was strictly prohibited to clear the money alone .During the reign of Shunzhi , there were clear provisions on the composition of money , namely , 7 0 % of copper , 3 0 % of white lead (zinc) , an alloy , called " copper " , a string , 1 2 , 0 0 0 annual casts are called a Mao , namely the rating of each opening is called " Zheng mao " , after which the casting is called " Mao " .

Shunzhi Chong bao was a Qing Dynasty coin , cast during the reign of Emperor Shunzhi (1 6 4 4 ~ 1 6 6 1) .Shunzhi Chong bao was the first kind of money made after the Qing Dynasty . The text was " Shunzhi Chong bao " , both read , mostly brass , a few bronze ; the money tended to be flat and wide .Shunzhi heavy treasure is mainly small flat money , a few fold two , fold ten money , according to the text change and casting stage can be divided into five types .In the early period , Shunzhi Money retained the money - making process of the Ming Dynasty , making its layout with obvious characteristics of Ming coins . However , in the later period , it was completely separated from the Ming money - making system and established a unique style of Qing Dynasty .The " Shunzhi Five Type " played a role in the evolution of coins in the Ming and Qing Dynasties .

According to records : during the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty (1 8 5 1 - 1 8 6 1) , the Taiping Peasant Uprising developed rapidly and in Nanjing , Jiangsu Province , was built . At this time , Yunnan copper (Yunnan Province produced by casting money could not be transported into Beijing due to road blocking . On the one hand, the uprising was in urgent need of a large amount of salary expenses, on the other hand, the shortage of raw materials for casting money has become a serious financial difficulty, which has forced Qing to issue paper money and change the cast money to make up for the financial deficit in three years.


The front is the official script " Shunzhi heavy treasure " four words .endorsement , Manchu Chinese : Baoquan Bureau .The decorative lines are uniform , the strokes are almost natural , strong sense of hierarchy , good visual effect , Qian Wen is elegant and elegant , the relief sense is obvious , it can be seen that the carving technology of the craftsman is very superb .The collection is made of superior precious metal silver material , silver bright , exquisite pattern , beautiful appearance and beautiful shape , good texture .The overall design of the whole currency is simple but do not lose noble , simple but do not lose chic , generous , very exquisite .Its casting is exquisite , good quality , not too much wear , mellow pulp .


Shunzhi Yuanbao when a thousand coins for the machine cast version, package natural Tiancheng ," when a thousand "for the rare version, very valuable collection.


"troubled times gold, prosperous collection ", and ancient coins are precious metal casting, is more popular, coin collection team continues to grow. Modern coins are a hot collection, and Shunzhi heavy treasure is the most important, has been recognized by the market.

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